30 December 2009
Over Christmas I got to thinking that in our two years of operation, reports of many things that had happened were preserved
digitally, and should be made available to the de Vissers, the Bhatnagars and the Copples. We have the web site with audio
recordings of several sermons; we have music played both in the Old Schoolhouse and at 280 Goldridge; we have the video
I took on the penultimate service; and we have photos. In regard to the music, we have used a songbook of 24 hymns and songs
selected by Brian from which I played the next four each week. The value of this is that the children got top hear them
over and over, and will likely love them for the rest of their lives. So Laurie-Ann and I set about making audio
recordings of all 24, in order. This certainly gave purpose to our Christmas period, and the project was finally completed
today. This evening I took copies of the audio CD of the music and the CD-Rom of everything else to the Bhatnagars and the de Vissers
as new year presents.
13 December 2009
Kanata Lakes Fellowship held its final service. Brian was sick, but Sarah still came with the children. Bells were rung in solidarity with the Kairos campaign for a result to come out of the climate change conference in Copenhagen. I was away at my firm's Christmas party.
The future of KLF is uncertain, but the love of God is certain and we will continue to bask in it. If we had continued three more weeks we would have completed two years of Services. We were the first group in the Ottawa region to show that we were no longer prepared
to worhip in the Anglican Church of Canada, and I believe we showed leadership. And if you are wondering why we were uncomfortable with the direction
of the ACoC, take a look at this to see the kind of society they are ready to accept and bless. May God have mercy on them.
6 December 2009
Althugh we did not know it at the time, this was Brian's final sermon, and he covered a large slice of the Old Testament, brining us to the promised land.
I know it was my last time leading worship, so I filmed part of the proceedings, including my playing of the final song, Give Thanks, and after the
service was over I sang When God Says No. 
Wednesday 2 December 2009
No Bible study tonight.
29 November 2009
Brian sermon encompassed Leviticus - Ruth. And we thought last week was a stretch!
We were delighted to have Christie's parents, Rob and Cal with us. It made for quite a special morning, but we were unprepared for today's big news.
At the end of the service Brian read us his letter of resignation as our pastor. God is calling him to step aside in order to allow him to prepare for future ministry, unknown. His last service will be 13 December 2009. I think we were all too shaken to comment in any logical way.
The Bhatnagars and I will discuss the situation on Thursday evening or possibly sooner. This means that KLF will either cease or become part of another ANiC
22 November 2009
Moving on from Genesis, we covered most of Exodus today, quite a stretch ...
15 November 2009
No service, as Rev Brian barely back from Synod.
1, 8 November 2009
Our services coninued with our study of Genesis. Rev Brian attended the ANiC Synod 11 - 14 November in St Catharine's.
Preparation in prayer
Click for full information
Video stream
25 October 2009
Rev Jennifer Wickham served communion; Brian preached, continuing our study of Genesis.
18 October 2009
Continued our study of Genesis, but at a faster pace ...
27 September, 4 October 2009
Brian began a study of Genesis, beginning with chapter 2 (there was some interesting discussion on creation) and continuing
4 Oct with chapters 3 - 7. Next week 11 October, is Thanksgiving, and there will be no KLF service.
Saturday 26 September, 7:30 pm
Movie in the open air, sponsored by Kanata Lakes Fellowship. On this night we staged the movie
in the Beaverbrook Centre parking lot, right opposite the Teron Road fire station. Free show, with hot choc and snacks.
This film is one of the most popular Christian films of all time and a wonderful marriage-strengthener. We had about 20 people turn out, several of whom
expressed their gratefulness for the experience. The weather cooperated. A successful initiative.
20 September 2009
No service at Kanata lakes Fellowship. Too many of us away. I preached on evangelism through the Alpha course, and providing the music at Rockland
United church while its minister Brian Wilkie was away. Audio and video recordings exist.
13 September 2009
Rev Archie Hunter joined us this day and served communion. Brian preached on the shortest book in the Bible, John 3.
6 September 2009
Brian back with us. We studied the smallest book in the Bible, John's second letter, about bewaring of false teachers.
In his day itinerant preachers would put it about that Jesus never exixted in the flesh. Imagine John's fustration!
30 August 2009
Rev Désirée Stedman to preach and serve communion. Brian will be away.
Wed 26 August 2009 - Bible study
From today, our Bible study will migrate once a month to the library of Bridlewood Trails Retirement Home, 480 Brigitta St., Kanata, (near Fernbank and Eagleson).
Time 7 pm - 8:15. Residents and visitors welcome.
2 - 16 August 2009
Brian working through 1 Peter, and we all learing a lot from it.
26 July 2009
I was very glad to rejoin my faithful friends at KLF after my holiday
17 July 2009
[In the absence of the music leader - me (pics, including the Holy Island of Lindisfarne] the study of 1 Peter continued to be the subject of Brian's sermon.
12 July 2009
No service at Kanata Lakes Fellowship since our host family is visiting relatives.
|  St. Aidan, c 650 |
5 July 2009
Brian began a study of 1 Peter.
28 June 2009
Rev. Archie Hunter, the ANiC Episcopal Commissary for the four Ottawa region fellowships, served communion.
1 July 2009, Canada Day
There will be no Bible study tonight. However, I will certainly go to the multi-church service at Walter Baker Park at 10 am.
28 June 2009
Rev. Archie Hunter, the ANiC Episcopal Commissary for the four Ottawa region Fellowships, served communion. Brian's sermon covered the final chapters of Malachi.
Wednesday 24 June 2009 Bible Study
Rev Jennifer Wickham joined us at 7:30 pm to introduce us to her plans for a new ANiC church plant in Ottawa.
These plans may represent an opportunity for Kanata Lakes fellowship. Regular Bible studiers may still come at 8.
7, 14, 21 June 2009
Brian's sermons continued with the study of the minor prophets Haggai and Malachi. From Malachi we (or I at any rate) learnt
why old testament sacrifices had to be of perfect unblemished animals.
31 May 2009 - Pentecost, and Global Day of Prayer
Brian began a new series on the minor prophets, beginning with Obadiah. We "did" the whole book (one chapter). In the evening I attended and spoke at the Global Day of Prayer at City Church.
Thursday 28 May 2009, 8 pm.
On this one night Kanata Lakes Fellowship prayer group hosted a prayer meeting for one of the 10 Days of Prayer
preceding the Global Day of Prayer 31 May. For the convenience of the public the time was 8 pm, rather than our normal
time each Thursday of 9 pm. Only one member of the public showed up, but that was Rev. Fred Milnes, chair of the
organizing committee for the Ottawa GDOP, and we were stongly blessed by him and praying with him.
24 May 2009
Christy and I were away at our Alpha Weekend at Bethesda. We were served communion by Rev Jennifer Wickham in the chapel there in company with Jesus
and the Apostles. Brian may have preached his final sermon based on the Gospel of John to a small congregation. In the evening I was M/C at Allen Churchill's celebration of 50 years of preaching.
17 May 2009
No service today. Our hosts at 280 Goldridge are visiting family.
26 April 2009 - 10 May
Rev. Alex Lewanovicz preached and served communion on 26 April, preaching from John. On 3rd and 10th May Brian continued with John's Gospel. Wow, are we getting in to this and studying deeply!
19 April 2009
Our studies in John's account of the first Holy Week continued. On Thursday night of this week we enjoyed the first of our new
prayer meetings, from 9 - 10. Like our Wednesday night Bible studies, the prayer meetings will be open to all. You don't have to be a member of our congregation!
12 April 2009 - Easter
We enjoyed a special celebration of this day of days in the Christian year. Brian's sermon engaged us in St. John's account of the events of the first Easter.
This was very poingnant for me. On Maundy Thursday night I had watched and prayed all night with Jesus and the Apostles in the new chapel at Bethesda Renewal Centre, on Friday had joined the Kanata Walk of the Cross, and on Saturday
experienced L'Expérience Renaissance at Greenbank Community Church. Details.
5 April 2009
Returnied to our regular location, 280 Goldridge, Rev Jennifer Wickham joined us for the first time to served communion. Brian continued his new series of sermons with John 12, and Lazarus' rising from the dead.
The Cheshire Cat Alpha course held its introductory dinner Mon 30 March. Some of us were there. See course site.
15, 22, 29 March 2009
While our hosts at 280 Goldridge visited family in USA for three weeks, our services were held at our pastor Brian and Sarah's home, 13c Forester Crescent,
Bell's corners. Same time: 10 am. Same music. Same teaching. By 29 March Brian had finished his series of studies on Hebrews, and with the Easter season coming
preached from John 11 with the death of Lazarus.
1,8 March 2009
We came home to 280 Goldridge. It was good. However, our Wednesday Bible studies are on hold till April.
1 - 22 February 2009
We shifted our services to our pastor Brian and Sarah's home in Bell's corners. For most of them Brandon was able to join us
when he was not attending to Christy. The pregnancy was not going well and on 15 December, Oliver was born prematurely.
Oliver lived just a week, his life ending 21 Feb when a blood clot proved too much for his little heart.
His funeral was held at St. Alban's
at 2 pm on Thursday 26 January. our next service, 1 March will be held at his parents home and our regular location, 280 Goldridge Drive, Kanata.
11 - 25 January 2009
As we continued services at 20 Goldridge at the home of Brandon and Christy, Christy's second pregnancy showed
signs that all was not well, with the baby showing symptoms of heart disease. She became limited to a horizontal position and spent periods in hospital. Our service
on 25 Jan was conducted by her home bedside - an advantage of holding services in a home.
4 January 2009
We resumed Sunday Services and Wednesday Bible studies. Brian returned to Hebrews and his first sermon was based on
Hebrews 7: 1 - 28, occasioning much subsequent discussion. It was a joy to be back with friends.
14 December 2008
This was our final service of 2008. We had carols and lunch. For the next few weeks we visited other
ANiC churches and fellowships.
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Network Churches in the region
Here is the ever-growing list of Parishes with Network membership across Canada.
The following ANiC churches, and fellowships with Network association, are in the Ottawa area:
St Alban the Martyr Anglican Church,
Ottawa, Ontario Rev. George Sinclair
Faith Anglican Church, Carlsbad Springs, Ontario
Rev. Alex Lewanovicz
St. George's Anglican Church, Ottawa. Joined ANiC 5 Oct 2008.
Rev. David Crawley
Eternal Hope Christian Fellowship, tel. 613-257-5490,
which holds services on Sundays at 10 a.m. at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, 117 Victoria St., Carleton Place.
Dave Kemp
Grace Christian Community Fellowship, tel. 613-256-2644 which holds
services on Sundays at 9 a.m. at Linn Bower Apartments, Linnbower Lane, Clayton. Map
Trudy Hardy
Blackburn Hamlet Community Church, bhcchurch(at)gmail.com, tel 613-232-0635
which holds services on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. at 2472 Autumn Hill Crescent
Rev. Pat Coulombe and Rev. Karen Bergenstein
7 December 2008
For Advent, Brian switched from Hebrews to Ezekiel 34. I also switched from songs strictly in our blue song
folders to a couple of Advent songs: "Emmanuel Carol" and "My Lord he is a commin' soon" which I threatened to play
each week till they became familiar.
23 November 2008
Archdeacon Desiree Stedman joined us as celebrant for communion. Brian preached on one of the Bibles most "difficult" passages, including Hebrews 6, 4-6, and our discussion
following the sermon - a KLF tradition - was enhanced with Rev Desiree's contributions. A full service indeed. On admin matters, Brian and Sarah move a lot closer on 12 - 13 December from Vanier to their new home in Bells Corners.
16 November 2008
Brian had been at the first ANiC Synod in Burlington for the last three days and gave us some feedback on what
sounds like a well-organized, Godly event. See Synod reports. He continued his study of Hebrews.
Following the sermon I read a remarkable report from Serbia: the story of Stojan Adasevic, peviously abortionist, now passionate pro-life worker. The story
well illustrates the limitless forgiveness offered through Jesus, an aspect of today's Hebrews text.
26 October 2008
Pulpit swap. Brian exchanged with Rev. Alex Lewanovicz, ordained priest in ANiC. Alex continued with the Hebrews study.We celebrated communon.
19 October 2008
This service was back at our normal location, 280 Goldridge Drive. Brian continued his
Hebrews study at Chapter 3, covering some of the most profound questions of our faith.
12 October 2008
This service was held at our house, 61 Highmont Court, since the Bhatnagars were involved in various famiy visitations.
It was the first time a church service had been held in our home, and it blessed me. I am happy to say that I successfully recorded Brian's sermon based on Hebrews 2,
so the 599,999,994 of you who weren't there, you can still listen, and be blessed too.
5 October 2008
We welcomed 3 more attenders, one of whom had been brought to our Bible study last Wednesday.
I attempted to record Brian's sermon directly onto my laptop computer but unfortunately wiped the file before
I could post it. Oh well. But I was able to prove that the quality of recordings made this way will surpass
that of recordings made on the Marantz.
28 September 2008
We gathered together again, happy to be ready to worship in a home "church" as the early Christians did.
The Reverend Brian James de Visser was wearing his new
badge of office - a dog collar. He preached from Hebrews Ch 1, verses 1-4, proving that Jesus is God
(the same focus as the first Alpha video.) I recorded his sermon and have streamed it on the sermons page. We will keep a month's sermons there. We are going to play music only from our KLF songbook so that everything sung is more familiar.
During the summer break...
We will reopen for Sunday services at 10 am on 28 September in a home church setting at 280 Goldridge Drive, Kanata.
At 7 pm on Sunday 21 September our pastor Brian was ordained into the deaconate by Bishop Don Harvey at St. Alban's Church, Ottawa. See the photos.
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During the summer the focus of Kanata Lakes Fellowship temporarily shifted to our Wednesday night home group / Bible study
at 8 at Brandon's and Christy's home, 280 Goldridge Drive.
We hoped prayerfully to build up this group to form the nucleus of a new, beefed up, Kanata Lakes Fellowship. Planning and prayer meetings will continue thoughout the summer.
22 June 2008
Brandon Bhatnagar preached on the old testament prophets - particularly Hosea - showing the many links between their society and ours, and the resulting deperate need for revival in both ages.
This was our final service before taking a summer break, resuming mid September. We have held 22 services since January. We started with two objectives: ministering to the community
close at hand, and offering a safe sanctuary to refugees from the Anglican Church of Canada. It seems that there were insufficient of either who both knew about us and
were motivated to come out. Yet, having attended almost all of the 22 services, and with a fair experience of church, I have found our format and Brian's teaching to be something to be eagerly anticipated every Monday - Saturday. We have work to do to spread the good news and the Gospel around.
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15 June 2008
Last night, Brandon, Laurie-Ann and I prayerwalked local streets where I had
knocked on doors and left fliers last January. For the streets we walked visit Prayerwalk Ottawa.
This morning we had a rather more rowdy service than usual music-wise, using the electric guitar and a fuzzbox, which seemed to go down quite well. Brian continued the Holy Spirit theme
reminding us that the Holy Spirit doesn't do "new things" as some who want the faith to follow culture would have it, but it is true He does the same
thing to people and in places that have not experienced Him before.
8 June 2008
Rev Alex Lewanovicz of Faith Anglican Church, Carlsbad pulpit swapped with Brian. Holy Communion was served.
Alex preached the first of a series of sermons to be given at KLF on the Holy Spirit, and so that Brian can continue
in logical progression we recorded Alex's sermon. Here is is. He emphasised a way to
view that work and vital importance of the Spirit that I had not heard before, and it was quite a revelation, to me at any rate.
1 June 2008
Last night, Bishop Malcolm Harding spoke to a full house (about 80) on The Person, Power and Release of the Holy Spirit at Glen Cairn Community Centre. A recording exists. See the photos
Today he conducted our service, including a sermon on friendship evangelism, and Holy Communion, followed by a fine lunch. What a blessing to have one of the two ANiC Bishops with us for these times. In between those events I was
thrilled to have him as my guest on Over My head at CKCU 93.1, where he answered spiritual and political questions with complete candour. A recording exists of this also, including one of his favourite songs: Jesus on the Main Line,
and the first
broadcast anywhere of the song When God Says No.
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18 May 2008
Since the key families in our congregation will be away today, there was no Kanata Lakes Fellowship service.
Brian and Tony visited Faith Anglican in Carlsbad. I will be away at Bethesda for the Alpha Holy Spirit weekend 25 May,
and Brian will handle the music, and everything else.
11 May 2008
Today's service - for Pentecost - will be in the Old Schoolhouse. (Previously we had advertised it as having to move to 280 Goldridge Drive.
due to a pre-standing booking at the schoolhouse - but that booking turned out to have been last Sunday. This was
not our error!). This evening at 6 pm is the Ottawa celebration of the Global Day of Prayer, at Dominion-Chalmers, where I am one of the speakers.
At the GDOP, Prayerwalk Ottawa was inaugurated for the 90 Days of Blessing.
4 May 2008
We arrived to discover that the church was apparently double booked to the
KLCA’s Annual Spring Clean-up Day...so we prevailed on Brandon & Christie's hospitality and enjoyed a genuine home church service, and we did do lunch afterwards. It was fun.
Thank you B & C. That evening I attended the first ordination in Ottawa by ANiC - my friend Karen Bergenstein.
27 April 2008
Brian started a sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount - The Beatitudes. There was a very special feeling in the little church, and the children contributed to it. The group is bonding. These are becoming friends. Brian announced the events of the 31 May and 1 June with Bishop Malcolm Harding. He'll be preaching here in 1 June. I introduced my new acoustic guitar, bought yesterday.
13 April 2008
It was good to welcome back Rob and Lynne Brooks whom we haven't seen for a few weeks. The service first reading started with Genesis 1:1; and Brian preached on Titus, suggesting that Paul's
recommendations to him were a model for Bishops today.
Brian has distributed a draft schedule for some future events
30 March 2008
We welcomed Rev Alex Lewanovicz of Faith Anglican Church, Carlsbad, in a pulpit swap. Alex has been accepted as a priest under the Anglican Network in Canada,
and administered our first communion. Some of us were very hungry and thirsty.
This was my first service after my trip to Pakistan and UK. My picture-journal is up on my Facebook page, and can also be viewed here.
22 March 2008 - Easter Day
Service at 10 am
21 March 2008 - Good Friday
Service at 10 am
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16 March 2008
Although a congregation meeting was planned following the service to elect a Transitional Leadership Team, this did not happen.
We will reconvene at a later date.
9 March 2008
Church cancelled due to weather. See video of the view from our front door. The congregation meeting will be held next week, and we hope to distribute new church fliers to local
homes before then.
24 February 2008
Our largest congregation to date, 21, included my mother in law Carol Zachar from Etobicoke, and both Laurie-Ann and Diane
formed our vocal team. I experimented using my acoustic guitar, miked, and for some songs prefer it to the electric. Under Brian's
guidance we continued our study of Daniel.
17 February 2008
During the service, Brandon & Christy Bhatnagar announced that they would like to host and run
a weekly Bible study on the Book of Acts. During coffee later they were able to say that
it will start this Wednesday 20 Feb at their home - 280 Goldridge Dr., 613-435-1564. All welcome - just come!
Brian announced that a congregation meeting would be held following our 9 March
service at which a leadership team would be elected. Following that meeting we may be having a simple meal then
taking an hour delivering a new church brochure to the surrounding houses. If several can help this can be done in short order.
We placed copies in the church of the 1994 Montreal Declaration, by Anglican Essentials, as being the faith statement of this church.
The very recent announcements of two Ottawa congregations voting to
leave the Anglican Church of Canada for the jurisdiction of the Anglican Network in Canada
were commented on by Brian and we prayed for
their congregations under Rev. Alex Lewanovics and Rev. George Sinclair.
10 February 2008
Sermonwise, today Brian started a series on the book of Daniel, looking in depth at the events
surrounding the miraculous deliverence from the furnace for Shadrach & co. and Nebuchadnezzar's subsequent
conversion. This was our first service where congregation members tool on duties. Diane B joined me
as a singer, and also read a lesson. Sonya V also read. Saul B handled the powerpoint computer and I had moved
it from the top of the piano to a better position in the seating area.
In addition to our morning service at 10, we were privileged to receive a visit from Bishop Don Harvey, Moderator
of the Anglican Network in Canada, ANiC, and Cheryl Chang, ANiC director and a lawyer at 4:30 pm. We were joined
by folk from the Lanark Home Group. This was a Q & A allowing the Bishop and Cheryl to address the concerns of congregation
members as to the current schism in the Anglican Church, and the bright future that we may expect
under ANiC.
| |  Click for more pics.
See report on ANiC tour of Ottawa
3 February 2008
Brian completed his series of sermons on Collossians, and I had certainly gained new understanding all the way.
I think the congregation as a whole did. Laurie-Ann joined me on the music team. We had more people than last week, and after the service and coffee time, a Congregational Meeting, a first historic one.
If you are curious, here's the agenda. As you see it was informal, but feedback in terms of offers to assist with services in several areas was heartwarming.
27 January 2008
Four services under our belt, and a statement to the congregation by Brian that this is not going to stop; we are here for the long term.
There is a very special atmosphere here - surely fostered by the Holy Spirit. Though some were unable to be with us, we had several new attenders.
Haley (8?) asked me if she might start a Sunday school, since she knew Bible
| |  Photo - Laurie-Ann Copple |
stories she could tell the other children. I announced that after the
service next week 3 Feb we would hold our first congregation meeting to spread the load a little. I also announced that Alpha was starting 7 April
in the Royal Oak, Kanata. It is a joy to lead the music for this congregagtion; their singing is so sincere as they glean the deep meaning from the words.
20 January 2008
This Sunday Brian was back, right as rain, and preached a scorcher from Collossians showing how we don't have to add anything to
Jesus; all we need is in him - as long as we don't take anything away either. For the first week I was relaxed enough to count the people and there were 16 souls
in the room include Brian's two children. We had a visitor from California, Joel, near to the Diocese of San Joachin, who happend to be
staying in a local hotel and had found us in cyberspace. And Jude Carriere from ANiC brought her whole family as part of a visit from Hamilton.
I announced Bishop Don Harvey's and Cheryl Chang's upcoming Ottawa visit in February and that one or both would stop by this church on the Sunday afternoon at 4:30 to meet
us and the Lanark home group, and answer our questions. We also decided to extend our rental for four weeks, taking us through February.
On 15 January 2008 a charming journalist called Jenny Wagler visited me to interview me for potential radio airing on CKCU 93.1 FM
Ottawa (ckcufm.com) on 30 January 2008 between noon and 1:30. I don't know what the edited version will consist of,
but here is the uncut original:
13 January 2008
At 9:40 Sarah de Visser arrived with the news that Brian was mightily sick and wasn't able to be with us.
Before getting sick he had designed the liturgy and she had brought it. Rather than try and interpret his sermon
notes I decided to preach myself. Two ladies from the Centretown News had arrived, one of whom, Samantha Fex,
had interviewed Brian and me during the week,
and I wonder what they will print about a brand new church without a pastor! Here's the result.
Anyway, God is good to those who love him. Rev. Fred Milnes had come to encourage me and he did, with prayer
beforehand and his excellent singing, and affirmation after. Fred leads the team that puts on the
Global Day of Prayer
(I am on the committee) and we are good friends. Sarah read the first lesson and operated the computer.
My impromptu sermon was on Revelation 3 - the message to Laodicea - which providentially tied in to the reading from
Colossians chosen by Brian that I had read as the second lesson. It seemed to be well received.
Although I spent a couple of hours door-knocking the neighbourhood with fliers, and we'd been featured in the
Citizen last Monday, we had fewer out even than then - about 10. I keep hearing indirectly of people who
intended to come but didn't for varying reasons. Was the press coverage last week too negative; too political?
Locally less than 2% of the householders I spoke to had seen it.
6 January 2008
This Sunday morning, two men started a brand new church. I was one of them. This was a new experience for me. In the run up to the day itself I was strangely calm, and in the two days immediately preceeding it had managed to fix quite serious problems on my computer and my guitar amplifier, both of which were vital to the service, suggesting to me that God had given me an angel or two to assist me in the many tasks. It is an independent evangelical church in the Anglican tradition, with the emphasis on the word tradition.
It will avoid the liberal experimentation - the urge to follow culture - of the western Anglican churches that have
caused such pain for so many biblically faithful Anglicans in recent years. We call it the Kanata Lakes Fellowship, and it has potential for serving the spiritual needs of hundreds who could walk to the building which we rent on a Sunday: the Old Schoolhouse on Goldridge Drive, Kanata, five minutes walk from our house.
So this church may serve the needs of "orphan" Anglicans across West Ottawa as well any any from the local housing estates. I publicized it by going door to door and handing out fliers. The pastor is Brian de Visser, not yet ordained, and 30. He preached a good sermon on the first day and led well the service that he had
ably designed based on a modified Kenyan rite: somewhere between the Book of Common Prayer and the Book of Alternative Services (nearer the latter). I provided the musical elements on guitar. About 15 people came and all were most appreciative. I hope they'll come again next week. There were a journalist and photographer from the
Ottawa Citizen, which is well aware of the current strife in Anglicanism so this new church was newsworthy. Our church had a website a week before it opened, here.